# WAI-ARIA landmark roles for OUICE.
name: Open University
description: >
Accessibility fixes including WAI-ARIA roles for Open University
sites with OUICE themes. Currently includes OUVLE, OpenLearn,
OU Intranet etc. - fixes for these will probably end up
in separate places.
Status: needs testing! Work in progress.
- http://*.open.ac.uk/*
- https://*.open.ac.uk/*
- http://www.open.ac.uk/
- http://www.open.ac.uk/study/
- https://msds.open.ac.uk/students/
- https://msds.open.ac.uk/tutorhome/
- http://students.open.ac.uk/dashboard/
- http://learn.open.ac.uk/course/
- https://learn2.open.ac.uk/course/
- http://search.open.ac.uk/public/search/results?q=Access
- http://intranet.open.ac.uk/oulife-home/
- http://podcast.open.ac.uk/
- http://iet.open.ac.uk/people/search?q=¢re=Search+All
- http://www3.open.ac.uk/contact/
- http://www2.open.ac.uk/students/disability/
- http://www.open.ac.uk/platform
- http://sociallearn.open.ac.uk/
- https://css2.open.ac.uk/AWM/Workplan
- http://intranet4.open.ac.uk/wikis/IET-Intranet
- http://epd.open.ac.uk/
- http://mct.open.ac.uk/
- http://kmi.open.ac.uk/
- http://stadium.open.ac.uk/
- http://www8.open.ac.uk/iet/main
- http://data.open.ac.uk/
- http://embed.open.ac.uk/
- http://mediaplayer.open.edu/
- http://mediaplayer.open.ac.uk/
# Was `lang`
default_locale: en-GB
- "[[User:NickFreear]]"
created: 2013-03-27T10:06+00:00
# Basic syntax.
"#My ID selector":
HTML attribute: value
# Banner or navigation?
role: banner
aria-label: O U links and logo
role: navigation
aria-label: Study site navigation
role: main
aria-labelledby: h1
role: complementary
aria-labelledby: .ou-title
".ou-feature-block": # NOT ":first"
role: navigation
aria-label: Undergraduate and postgraduate modules
role: complementary
aria-labelledby: h3
role: complementary
aria-labelledby: h3
#(Or complementary or navigation?)
role: contentinfo
aria-label: Footer links
# Page: /study/undergraduate/
role: navigation
aria-labelledby: h2
role: complementary
aria-labelledby: .ou-guarantee-title
role: complementary
aria-labelledby: h3
# For completeness - many pages don't have search.
role: search
aria-labelledby: .search_text
"#srchform .search_input":
type: search
placeholder: Search the OU
aria-label: Search the OU
"a.close, a#advancedSearchLink":
role: button
# End.